I've been meaning to blog about our house pretty much since we got here, but for whatever reason I hadn't gotten around to actually doing it yet. The school has decided to move the teachers' house, though, so it's now or never. We'll be sad to go. The house is pretty cool. It's huge - 5 bedrooms plus an alter room at the top where the landlady prays every month to keep the evil spirits away, and there's an awesome roof deck where, since our house is the tallest on the block, you get a great view of pretty much the whole city.
Just like with everything else, pictures hardly do it justice. But here's some anyway.
Our front door and gate. There's another gate to get into the courtyard area, and yes, you have to lock them both everytime you leave.
The view from roof. Houses and rooftops as far as the eye can see.

A random painting of deer that hangs in a hallway. Notice the fake grass/flowers beneath it. Not really sure what's with that.

The hotel across the street. It's amusing that the sign reads "HOE" instead of hotel, as this has been described to me as the type of hotel that charges by the hour.

The landlady and her family, and our former roommate John. No, that wooden pipe is not what you think it is. It's used for tobacco. Seriously.